Back to School!
Ah, if life was only like the TV shows and movies.
Then school time would be a piece of cake.
But alas, it is far from it.
This time of year, although still technically under the umbrella of Summer, has almost zero sense of “sit back and relax.” As if completely unrelated to its 3 month “chill” predecessors, September tends to bring high levels of stress and catapults us back into the daily grind.
Did anyone stress about school supplies this year?
Was it just me??
Well, I sure did. I didn’t just stress, I flat out had a full on panic attack in Walmart when I couldn’t find the proper size post-it notes from the list. FULL ON PANIC. Not my best moment.
I calmed myself, found my children in the various isles they had wondered off to, and quietly exited the store. Post-it note-less.
Oh well.
Then there was packing lunches, buying new last minute clothes ( as my oldest child has discovered how easily items can be altered with a pair of scissors!!!!!!!)… and of course the case of the shoes that fit perfectly yesterday but somehow NOT this morning at 8:15 am. Riddle me that.
I have sworn to deep breathe through these moments and not resort to yelling or freaking out.
Its a good thing I’m not a betting woman.
But I’m trying, people- really I am.
All of this chaos did, however, bring on some reflection.
There are certainly times in our life when we honestly feel we are being tested.
Put through the ringer.
Dragged though mud.
Experimented on.
Poked, prodded, and pulled in each which way.
Well, folks. You’re not crazy. That’s exactly what is going on.
I stumbled upon this wonderful set of sermons* dealing with the concept of being tested.
It was fascinating. I’ll summarize.
It explained the four common trials that plague most people:
1)The Pressure Test
2)The People Test
3)The Persistence Test
4)The Priorities Test
Number one poses the question, “How will you HANDLE the STRESS you are under?”
aka ( the dreaded school supplies list)
Who/What do you turn to when the waters get rough?
Friends? Family? Facebook? Alcohol?
There are many opportunities to “run” from our stresses.
*”If I JUST get to the gym, I know this crazy morning will be behind me.”
*”After my Starbucks triple venti soy skim mocha java non-dairy no-foam extra hot latte, I can take on the world.”
But can you?
There are even more chances to complain.
*”I’m just not getting enough SLEEP…”
*”If only I had an EXTRA set of hands….”
But what IF? Would it ALL go away?
I don’t know about ya’ll, but even after I have been kid-free, massaged, pedicured, and caffeinated -I still blow up at the slightest thing once I walk in the door. Why is that? Is it that I am running to the wrong things?
Number two poses the question, ” What will you do with the DISAPPOINTMENTS in your life- that have come from PEOPLE?”
Now, this one might not make perfect sense at first. It is a question based on the premise that people will inevitably let you down. Not being a negative Nancy, just stating a fact: we are a flawed human race. No one is perfect, so it’s bound to happen.
If we put all our eggs in someone else’s basket, well, we might end up egg-less at some point. ( while someone else is enjoying a nice veggie omelette)
Things don’t always turn out the way we had hoped for or dreamed about. But your problem is NOT the people in your life, it is HOW you ultimately respond to them.
People are not always the issue, OR necessarily the answer.
Number three poses the question, “Will I KEEP my COMMITMENTS?”
This is a test of your character. Are you someone who over-commits? Do you see a clipboard and sign your life away? ( See an earlier post about THE BARE NECESSITIES )
We, as a people, tend to spread ourselves a little too thin- thinking quantity not quality in life.
In this ever changing virtual world, it is also easier to back out of things, too.
Commit now, MAYBE change my mind later… or not…or maybe I’ll go…Naw, I’m busy…
Get the picture? It’s sad, but true.
Will YOU keep your promises? Or find an excuse as to why you can’t…
And number four poses the question, “WHO will be FIRST in your life?”
This can usually be answered by diving deeper into a subsequent soul-searching triad of thoughts.
- What do you think about the most?
- Where does your money go first?
- How do you spend your time?
Any mind boggling results??
No matter the struggle, no matter how long you’ve been fighting…PLEASE hang on. The Dawn is coming. And you will face it stronger than you began.
Psalm 73:23
*To read the full sermon set, click here: