Hello crafting friends!
I have been asked if I had some ideas for Valentine’s front door wreaths. I’m always on the hunt for new ideas, especially ones I can tweak a little. I stumbled onto this burlap wreath- from craftaholicsanonymous.net ( whom I had the pleasure of meeting in person on my trip out to CA with Michael’s). What I loved about it was the SIMPLE beauty. Valentines can be gaudy, glittery, and honestly- WAY too much pale pink for my taste… so I was thrilled with this find. I made a few slight tweaks, but mainly followed her directions. Here we go~!
DIY EAS-Y Valentine’s burlap wreath
*burlap – @ 12 yards ( either bought at a fabric store by the yard, or in rolls) – any pattern, design you’d like
*an old wire coat hanger
Can you GET any easier than that?? :O)
Okay- here are the steps!
Step 1-Take your wire hanger and untwist it. Then bend into a “heart” shape. No perfection here! Do not twist ends together yet- you will need an open end to start threading the burlap:)
Step 2-Cut your burlap ( if it’s in a big sheet) into strips about 2-3 inches wide.
If you have burlap on a spool already, you can skip this step!!
Step 3- Take your open end of the heart shape, and begin to thread the burlap onto the wire – in the middle. Continue threading about every 3 inches or so- once again- eyeball it- no need to measure- it will look great, I promise:O)
This is how it starts to look…
Step 4- Keep THREADING!! After threading 1 of my burlap strips, this is how it looks:O) Like ribbon candy!
After 2 strips of burlap!
After 3 strips…
Just keep swimming!!!! I mean… threading!!!
Almost done!
Step 5- Re-twist the ends together. Push burlap close together/fluff or however you want it to look!
Step 6- Add your choice of ribbon to the center- I wrapped it around the “twisted” part of the heart.
Hang & smile!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and can create your own super EAS-Y DIY Valentine’s burlap wreath!
As always, I’d love to hear from you!
Cheers and happy making!