June is in the new baby phase where we find ourselves constantly handing her new things to hold- which she initially marvels at and keeps her attention for approximately 13 seconds. Until she hurls said object across the room or hits herself in the head with it. We frantically scramble to put something else quickly in her little tiny hands before she throws a tantrum, which she then marvels at and loves for all of 13 seconds. Oh, babies.
She hasn’t yet developed “object permanence.” That’s a term I remember from child psychology- (smarty pants) where just because a baby can’t see the object, she doesn’t think it exists anymore.
Ooooo, you want to hear something funny? I think I am slightly guilty of this, too.
Happy life, happy wife, things go away…cry, pout, insert new shiny object. Happy life, happy wife, things stop being happy, can’t quite reach…pout, cry, throw something across room.
Am I the only one?

I was reading in a morning devotion the other day- according to the Catechism- “…our thirst for another’s goods is immense, infinite, and never quenched. Thus it is written, “He who loves money never has money enough.”
If it’s not money- what is it? Fill in the blank with your vice/ goal/ desire.
For me – it’s books.
My mom asked me years and years ago, “When you get an agent, or once you have a book out there, then what? Will you be happy?” I, of course, answered a cheerful and naive “yes.”

But the reality is, the taste and joy of having published a book only made me want to hold another… and another. And there’s nothing wrong with writing – if I’m using God’s pen. And participating in His plan. But if I’m driving my own car, on a one way street to MY destination- then I’m not quite getting the gist. I’m asking God for his occasional advice, (on song choice and good eats to stop at) but not exactly asking him to take the wheel and navigate. If I’m never satisfied, fulfilled or happy until I have another book, well then…

We all remember the beloved tale by Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree.
It’s a poetic play on what our human nature does once we seek out and taste happiness. It highlights and spells out how momentary happiness can be and how it also often times leaves us yearning something new to quench that feeling…
More lbs. shed, more things bought at Homegoods…
(The following excerpt is purely fictional. Any relation to myself, the writer, or my actual current living room is simply coincidental…)
I need a new lamp . … now I need a new painting to match the lamp. Now I need a new throw to match the painting to match the lamp … now I need more pillows to match the throw that matches the painting that matches the lamp . Now I need a new couch …. Possibly a new house? Holy heck, this whole thing started with a lamp! 😭
*Maybe my husband is right- lamps are the tools of the devil 👿 *
Or is it more fame? More job titles? More “likes”…
When will enough actually BE enough? Will there be a level achieved that sends my happy hands high in the air? Will there be a beautiful, behemoth, blissful moment – that will finally satisfy that deep, constant, unsettled hunger we have? I’m only talking from personal experience here, but I’m starting to realize by myself- I will never be enough. And get ready, the devil will capitalize on this epiphany and whisper, “That thing you just achieved… that thing you are holding…it’s not going to last. It’s not enough. YOU aren’t enough…”
And do you know what will slap the devil right in the face? To get off the wheel and yell back, “You’re right. I’m not big enough, strong enough, wise enough…”
“But do you know where you’re wrong?”
“I have Him.

When I saw this verse, it made me think of a beautiful testimony I heard back at the beginning of the pandemic. A woman from my church shared how, through the lack of yeast in all the markets during that particular unprecedented time, it caused her to see “daily bread” in a new light. And ever since I heard her speak, I have never thought of those words in The Lord’s Prayer the same either.
“…give us this day our daily bread…”
This day.
Not next week.
Not next month.
Not next year.
This day.
Our daily bread…
The graces, strength, wisdom, energy, patience, fortitude, love and faith.
” …He will bless you abundantly, and you will abound…”
It’s all we need.
It’s all we’ll ever need.
Hebrews 1:11
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.“
This is where my job starts ( and a chance to really stick it to the devil)… seizing the opportunity to separate myself from the thoughts and actions of my sweet 6-month old baby June. Instead of throwing a tantrum, I need to exercise the muscle that is flexed when things get tough, trials come, and the journey seems long. When whatever shiny object I am temporarily occupying my time and happiness with seems to have suddenly disappeared or is slightly out of reach, I have to stop looking around. I must look up.
Object permanence… or in this case, a daily dose of faith-filled footsteps.
It is enough.
And I’ve decided that His enough is enough for me.

Valentine’s door wreath DIY

Hello crafty friends! It’s been too long since I’ve added a tutorial to the blog posts- so here we are- step by step instructions to create this super fun Valentine’s door decor! *I want to thank the blogger who inspired this creation- Craftaholics Anonymous. I loved her wreath and took the idea and ran with it!
Materials: (all from my local Michaels)
- foam wreath form – 2 inch X 15.6 inch
- foam wreath form- 1.7 inch X 11.7 inch
- variety of ribbons – I used black & white striped, lacy pink, and ended up going with a red tulle that I had stashed away from Christmas- the ones I had planned to use on the smaller wreath were not long enough! Oops!
- large wooden plank
- wooden letters 2 “X”, 2 “O”
- last minute addition- *some greenery I had in my craft room*
- scissors
- hot glue

Step 1) I wrapped the larger wreath form in the black and white striped ribbon and hot glued the ends.

Step 2) I wrapped the smaller wreath form in the red tulle- bunching it as I wrapped to create a deep crimson color that sufficiently covered the green form. Secure ends with hot glue.

I love the texture!

Step 3) I hot glued greenery to the wooden plank for some dimension. This is not a must- but if you have anything fun laying around, try it!

Step 4) I hot glued the wooden letters to the greenery.

Step 5) I nestled the 2 wreath forms into each other and secured them with the pink lacy ribbon.

Step 6) I hot glued the wooden plank to the larger wreath form.

Voila! Hang and enjoy!