Monica Stoltzfus
Children’s Author
Monica Stoltzfus lives with her husband and five daughters just outside the Nation’s Capital in Alexandria, Virginia. Teaching Kindergarten in Maryland’s Public Schools for close to 10 years certainly fostered her love of picture books. Her most rewarding moments were teaching a child to read and write their own stories. She has been writing since an early age, and now gathers ideas from her life as an energetic Mother. When not writing for children, she is typing away for an older audience through her blog, Just Compose Yourself. Her deserted island must-haves would be gummy bears, peppermint Chapstick and her prayer journal. And she believes one hundred percent that you should never underestimate the power of a smile.

Available for:
*school visits, *presentations, *readings, *signings
Upcoming Author Events: BOOK SIGNING @ Grounded Coffee Shop NOVEMBER 23rd 1-3pm
Grounded Coffee Shop
6919 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22310